Break Ins and Forgeries

Reporting break-ins, forgeries and CD thefts (all schedules):

  1. dial 101 or 999 if an emergency
  2. Ensure that you describe whether the drug is a Class A, B or C under the Misuse of Drugs Act (–2/list-of-most-commonly-encountered-drugs-currently-controlled-under-the-misuse-of-drugs-legislation) since this is the terminology known to the police.
  3. Obtain the crime reference number
  4. Contact the Controlled Drugs Liaison Officer (CDLO) for your area, and give them the crime reference number. They will link in with the investigating officer.

Break ins, thefts or forgeries

To report any break ins, thefts or forgeries please contact the

The CD  Liaison Officer is Paul Storey D/Sgt 1424, Drug Support Unit, Drug Expert Witness/C.D.L.O.

  • Direct Line 0151 777 2559,
  • Mobile: 07841 010 956

Cheshire Constabulary: Paul Corteen – Detective Constable

  • 01606 365183
  • Mobile 07717761261
  • Email:
  • Report into